The following new funds may be of interest and are open for all supporters who would like to donate to them.
Mattress Fund RF59
This has been started to provide 100 specialist mattresses for long stay SCI patients.
In the past these have always been the local type of two inch coconut fibre available in the market. These are not ideal for avoiding bedsores.
To improve this situation, Jan and Roger Varney, arranged for 3 different mattress producers in Dhaka to submit sample mattresses made to an improved specification, on the basis of Jan’s professional experience.
The better sample was selected by them and the fund has started to raise £5,000 in Restricted Fund 59.
Present total is £1225 and rising.
Social Welfare fund for Disabled School leavers RF62
This has been intiated by the Cabelas Trust to provide the necessary support for those disabled school leavers who need additional help when their time at the school has ended. This could be due to limited or no family resources, or other factors.
It is intended to be a continuing fund for such disabled children in general and is not for a particular named child.
General Social Welfare fund RF51
This fund provides non-medical help as needed for patients, other than the disabled School leavers. It is intended to be a continuing fund and is not for a particular named person.