1. Brian Woodgate requested donations for CRP in lieu of presents for his 70th birthday in April – the total raised was a marvellous £507.00
2. Marden Church Annual Golf Day in June proved to be quite successful with the trophy being won by a visiting player from Horsham. Proceeds resulted in £191.00 being donated to the Rana Plaza appeal.
3. On June 12th, a Curry Night was held at the Taj of Kent Restaurant, Marden and attended by 42 hungry diners. Everyone enjoyed the meal and were sorry that Valerie had not been able to attend. However the proceeds from the evening, including a raffle and some generous donations amounted to a terrific £783.50 for General funds.
4. Julian Anderson was instrumental in arranging for a successful meal to be held in a restaurant in Corby in the 2nd week of June, which Valerie attended as did the Mayor of Corby. A marvellous £775.00 was raised as a result
5. On Sunday 16th June, Sir Colin Imray arranged with Wallingford PCC that all collections in church that day would be donated to the Rana Plaza Appeal. The result was a donation of £478.54.
Congratulations to all those involved and many thanks.
This has been a great fundraising month so far and hopefully with many more planned, we can keep the funds coming in. If you would like to host an event or have recently taken part in one and have thoughts or pictures to share, then please get in touch.